Navigating ECG: A Step-by-Step Guide

In medical terminology Electrocardiography (ECG) is an electronic test done to check heart’s rhythm and electrical activity. This simple test also known as electrocardiogram ECG or EKG. Electrocardiography is a course of heart recording through repeated cardiac cycles. The ECG of heart is a graph of voltage against time of electrical heart activity by applying electrodes placed on the skin. These high voltage rays identify minute variation that are result of cardiovascular muscle alteration followed by repolarization through each cardiovascular cycle or heartbeat.


Overview of the crucial features of ECG

An ECG is a simple, non-invasive test that records the electrical motion of heart. An ECG can aide identify certain heart conditions such as abnormal rhythms of heart, and coronary heart disease that is heart attack and angina. Symptoms of heart attack may include chest pain, breathlessness, dizziness, pungency, fainting are some primary indicators. Patient may also face heart racing, fluttering or thumping in the chest or palpitations.


Types of ECG

Depending on patients suffering the ECG has 3 subtypes

·        A resting ECG performed while the patient is lying in a comfortable position

·        A stress or workout ECG carried out on an automated bicycle or treadmill

·        An ambulatory ECG also known as Holter monitor. Here the electrodes are joined to a small movable equipment that is worn on patient’s waist to monitor patient’s heart rate while doing home-work at home. The type will depend on patient and suspected heart problem.



There are few unique methods and means that can be carried out. Generally, the test comprises of several small sticky sensors that are attached to human arms, legs and chest. These sensors are connected to a recording machine that histories to the heart rate. Before the test, it is not required to follow any specific diet patient can consume a normal diet. Prior the test is performed a patient is requested to remove their apparel, also the patient is asked to keep their body parts clean and a hospital apparel is given to bear.


Later the patient is requested to walk on treadmill which is also connected to recording machine to record any irregularities in heartbeat. The test usually takes few minutes and the patient is sent home.


The ECG machine will record and reflect patients heart rhythm in a graph displayed electronically or printed on paper. The ECG machine records and retains the information about patients heart electronically which can be assessed by the specialist later.



An ECG is swift and painless test. It is a safe test as no electricity is injected in your body while the test is performed. The patient may feel slight discomfort when the electrodes are removed from skin. The patient might have feeling similar to sticking plaster or some people might develop a mild rash which is temporary.