Dengue IgG Test

Exploring Immunity through

Dengue IgG Test


Dengue IgG test is a diagnostic blood test that helps in the detection of the presence of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies specific to the dengue virus. These antibodies are produced by the immune system when there is an infection caused by the dengue virus. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies are formed later in the infection stage and take time to develop and become detectable in the blood after infection. This is referred to as a window period and typically takes a few weeks after the onset of the symptoms. The test is an important tool in assessing a person’s immune response to the virus, determining past exposure, and examining their immunity status.


Overview of the Key Aspects of Dengue IgG Test:


Purpose of this Test: 

The dengue IgG test is commonly used to determine if an individual has been previously exposed to dengue virus, evaluated the level of immunity against dengue virus, and provide insights into the risk of an individual for future dengue infections.



       The healthcare provider or phlebotomist will collect a blood sample from the vein in the arm of the patient.

       The collected sample is then stored in specialized tubes and sent to the laboratory for further assessment. The major goal here is to separate the serum from the blood cells.

       Since there are different ways to analyse a blood sample for dengue antibodies, some laboratories use specialized test kits that contain dengue-specific antigens that react with the antibodies in the blood.

       Presence of dengue antibodies indicates a previous exposure to dengue virus.

       The laboratory will then send the reports with a positive or negative interpretation.

       A positive result indicates past or current dengue infection and a negative result indicates no dengue specific antibodies are present in the blood.

       The healthcare provider will interpret the results based on the patients’ medical history, symptoms, and other relevant health conditions.



       Relatively safe, quick, and non-invasive test

       Provides insights into an individual’s exposure to dengue virus and evaluating their immune response

       Provides confirmation of previous exposure

       Helps in determining risk of future exposures to dengue virus

       Helps in differentiating between primary and secondary infections

       Helpful in determining risk or susceptibility to dengue infection of an individual who has travelled to regions where dengue is endemic


Patients must provide their healthcare providers with comprehensive medical history including current medications and previous illnesses as it allows for accurate interpretation of the test results. Patients should avoid unnecessary testing if they don’t have symptoms or risk of exposure to dengue virus. Patients must ensure to discuss results with healthcare providers as they can help and guide them through treatment measures.