Amylase and Lipase Test

Understanding Digestive Health

With Amylase and Lipase Tests


Amylase and lipase are enzymes produced by the pancreas and are essential for proper digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Amylase and lipase tests are diagnostic tests that measure the level of these enzymes in the blood and are commonly performed to assess function of the pancreas and diagnose conditions related to pancreas and digestive tract. Elevated levels of these two enzymes could indicate various issues but further assessment is often needed to identify the underlying conditions that are causing the increased levels of these enzymes.


Overview of the Key Points of Amylase and Lipase Tests:


Importance of Amylase and Lipase Test: 

Amylase is an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates, particularly starches into simpler sugars such as glucose. Amylase is produced by pancreas as well as salivary glands. Elevated levels of amylase in the blood can be indicative of disorders or conditions of pancreas such as acute or chronic pancreatitis but can also be elevated in cases of salivary gland disorders or some other digestive conditions. Normal amylase levels are in the range of 30-110 units per litre (U/L) in adults.


Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol and is largely produced by the pancreas. Elevated levels of lipase are often indicative of pancreatitis and can also increase in other pancreatic disorders, gallbladder disease, or some digestive conditions. The normal range of lipase enzyme is between 0 to 160 U/L in adults.



       Before the test, patients must provide their medical history and other related information to the healthcare provider.

       Fasting of 8-10 hours is generally advised by the healthcare provider before the test to generate accurate results of the levels of the enzymes.

       A trained nurse or phlebotomist will clean the area in the vein from where the blood is to be collected with an antiseptic solution.

       A tourniquet is then applied to the arm to make the vein more visible and a needle is then inserted into the vein to collect blood.

       The blood sample is then collected in specific tubes labelled accurately with the patient information.

       The tourniquet is removed and a bandage is applied to the site of venipuncture to stop any further bleeding or infection.

       The sample is then sent to the laboratory for analysis using specialised enzymatic assays.

    Based on the results and taking into consideration the patient history, the healthcare provider will then interpret the results and decide on the further course of action.



       Relatively quick, easy, and painless procedure

       Helps in early diagnosis of pancreatic disorders

       Helps in analysis of overall function of the pancreas and aids in diagnosis of conditions such as cystic fibrosis or chronic pancreatitis

       Helps in deciding on early treatment and management strategies

       Helps in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and monitoring the progress of the condition


Precautions to be taken for Amylase and Lipase Test: 

Patients must follow the fasting and other guidelines provided by the healthcare providers to ensure accuracy of the test. Patients must also inform their healthcare provider of any medications or supplements they are taking as some drugs can affect the test results. Patients must also let their healthcare providers know about their medical history, underlying conditions, or if they are undergoing any treatment. Patients must avoid undergoing any stress or vigorous exercise before the test as this can affect the levels of enzymes in the blood. If the patient is pregnant or might be pregnant, the patient must inform this to the healthcare provider as it can alter the levels of amylase and lipase in the blood. In addition, patients are advised not to smoke before the test as smoking can elevate the levels of these enzyme and may result in inaccurate results.